Saturday, August 7, 2010

Six Weeks to another healthy dose of education

I can't believe it's been almost three months since I've been here. For as much as I've been learning about my abilities (or lack thereof) it'd make sense that I'd be more apt to share my realities. Maybe I just validiated my disbelief... the reality is that I'm not moving forward as I hoped - and I have no one to blame but myself.

Not to say that I haven't had some "wins". No, not 1st in a race wins, but some gains, like knocking off three minutes on my best 10K time at the Whitmore Lake Races 10K July 3. Or the even better 10K time I turned in as a split at the Chicago Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon Aug 1. But again, my reality is that I'm not training to the distance... I'm just running for the sake of spending ridiculous amounts of money traveling around and then walking away with a medal and a continuous shaking of my head while I ponder the question, "Why am I not taking this more seriously?"

The answer, gentle reader, is that I shouldn't be so serious... at least not so serious that I'm kicking my own ass on a regular basis. The seriousness I'm missing is a function of my ever-fragile ego (another casualty of hitting four full decades in age). If I'm not going to show more improvement, then I need to decide if running around the country doing this is the best fiscal option and, more importantly, if I need to be advertising my shortcomings.

With that in mind, in just six short weeks, at this time I'll be closing in (hopefully) on the finish of the Air Force Marathon in Dayton, Ohio. My running tip for the week (or month, or quarter, if you want to get technical about how often I'm here) is this: if you're running a long distance for the first time and can fall in with a pace group, do so. The folks leading these groups are experienced in running the distance you're tackling, and they'll keep you from doing what I did in Chicago... take off like a bat out of hell, turn in a great first nine miles then crash hard and cramp up because I didn't take my time staying properly hydrated.

I'll be here more often now... I know, I know - you've heard it all before. But what I've determined is that I need to share what I'm learning so I can go back and reread the lessons I'm passing on. There's nothing worse than a sage not taking their own advice.

BTW... my recommended book for the month is Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. It's a great story with some excellent spiritual views and fun anecdotes on running with people who thrive on the "ultra" side of life. Try it... you won't be sorry!

Peace, love, and potassium... it'll keep the cramps away!