Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lower than a snake's belly

So the last pause for the cause took 14 days... this time I've been away for more than a month, and I find myself sitting at my pub table typing away when I should be traveling to Nashville for my next Rock-n-Roll half marathon. However, concerns regarding severe weather have me taking the cautious side of the spectrum. It's not that I mind running in a little rain; I'm not the least bit interested in dodging lightning. This too shall pass, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'm a bit miffed at this turn of events.

The weather has me put off as well... rain, clouds, more rain, cooler temps - I guess I should be accepting of the fact it's still spring, but honestly, I want to lay outside, or sit on the porch, or mow the lawn, and recharge my batteries with the sunlight.

So many decisions right now... a non-running vacation is needed for sure. In the interim, I'm running the Bellevue-Offutt Runway Run and the Council Bluffs Half Marathon in May. Maybe June will allow me the opportunity to get away for a few days.

Peace, love and tequila - if I'm going crazy, I'm going on my terms, Cabo Wabo style.
Your low-crawling, sun-craving, vacation needing scribe