Monday, May 9, 2011

Crossing the (finish) line

If you've known me for any length of time, you know this much... for as political as I can be in my speech, I tend to say it like it is.

Unfortunately, I failed to remember that knowing your audience is a huge part of getting the proper message across, and I'll publicly apologize in this forum for my random spewings last week.

I ran Macomb County's "Let's Move" festival of races half marathon April 30, and finished in a respectable 2:02:29. Before I go any further, I need to thank the wonderful crew at Total Health Systems ( for not only allowing me to sport their team shirt and represent them, but for getting me ready to run as well. Their staff is amazing, they offer wonderful services all under one roof, and they're all sorts of fun and friendly! Without those folks, I'd be tighter than a watch spring and running myself right into an injury. I seriously don't know how I ran without their services. But I digress...

I wasn't very happy with my time, seeing as how I just broke two hours in NOLA back in February. However, taking into consideration that I hadn't trained anywhere near enough for a half marathon, my time, although slower than I hoped, was decent.

Decent, that is, until I started lamenting my efforts to my physical therapist... you know, the guy responsible for loosening me up and fixing the wreck that is my 41 year old body? Word to the wise... don't piss off your PT.

So I'm telling him about how I'm not happy and want to run faster, and he is smiling and nodding (he ran the half in 1:56 and change) and then I say something to the effect of, "... had I been training, I would've smoked you out there." Good job, Kev. It's now officially on.

Folks, gotta tell ya, if you don't know where your gluetius medius or illiac crest is, my PT is NOT the guy you want introducing you to those spots for the first time. That is, he's not the guy unless you like pain so intense it makes you wish a tree would fall on the treatment room so the session would stop. (I'm kinda sick that way, so bring on the pain)

Needless to say, he had a good time working me over the last couple of sessions. I'm extremely thankful, because even though it hurts, it's all for the best. Probably could've done without the sadistic laughter, but I think I'm paying extra for that anyway (just kidding... my insurance covers it), so it's all good.

Short story, long... my PT probably would've been painful anyway, but there's nothing like opening your mouth and ending up with your foot so far in it you can actually taste your illiac crest. (Ok, at this point, if you're not sure where it is, look it up on WebMD or something... you'll get the joke)

A bit of humility, a little less competitive spirit after the run, and a lot more preparation before it would've made this an entirely different posting. Hmm... maybe it was supposed to happen this way so I'd have something to write about.

Thanks again to everyone at Total Health Systems, and a special thanks to my PT. You know who you are, and you know I respect and appreciate all you do for me. My most profound apologies if my challenge to your skills on the road came across as arrogant or demeaning.

And to those who may have the wrong idea by my ramblings here... Total Health Systems' staff is TOTALLY professional and there is nothing "negative" I could say about them. I may joke about the pain, but anyone who's gone through PT knows there's pain to be had in the process, and there is no better place for your recovery needs. I consider these people my friends, and I'm very glad they're my caregivers.

Up next... the Henry Ford Healthcare System 5K in beautiful downtown Detroit. I wonder if I have childcare for this one... hmm.

Peace, love and leather... stylish, but scary in an exam room.

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