Monday, February 22, 2010

Something Straight Between Us

I prefer, whether in person or by proxy, to offer advance caution to those who may decide to read, follow, or get in my way as I blog here. It's safe to say I can't promise a pristine verbiage for each and every posting. While I speak and write in goodly English most of the time, this ain't the cleaned up, award-seeking version of my life. That in mind, you'lla be seein' a little of everything here: well thought out postings, versions of M*A*S*H episodes where the characters write home, the nonsensical ravings of an occasionally lunatic mad man, ideas on a life serving others, and my love of being a father. Short story long, you may want to consider this blog anywhere from PG-13 to NC-17... if I go farther than that, it's the tequila talking.

Peace, love and crabs... you decide in what versions you'll take 'em.
Your Humble Blogger, moving through life at 40

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