Monday, March 1, 2010

Mission accomplished... pass the Tylenol

My first half marathon is in the books and my first thought comes from a T-shirt that read, "Who moved the finish line?" It was a great time, and although I didn't meet my original goal of 8.5 minute miles, I still ran a passable 2:04:15... not bad for breaking my cherry.

Best part of the weekend was the education I received. From what to pack (and what to leave home) to eating right to when to carb up during the run, there was a plethera of info logged in to my old but active melon.

If you haven't seen one of these Rock-n-Roll events, you've got to take part. Even if it's just watching and cheering the runners on, it's an amazing experience. My favorite sites were the runner I passed who had two Coors Light (no endorsement implied) tall boys in his backpack and one open in his hand... at mile 3; and the guy running with the beer can dangling off the end of a fishing pole attached to his bike helmet. Add inthe group of guys dressed like Hulk Hogan and the Dr. Seuss twins and this was lots of fun. I'm taking suggestions for my get up in Nashville - I believe I'll be leaning toward something Elvis-esque.

Bottom line... I had a blast, wouldn't have changed any part of the weekend, and can't wait for my next event... April 24 in Nashville! come join me.

Peace, love and a great massage (happy ending not required),
Your stumblin', bumblin', low-stridin' half marathoner... still in training and still alive!

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