Monday, March 15, 2010

Up close you're a guy... far away too

Dear Diary,

It's been 14 days since my last confession... wait, those are two entirely different things, neither of which apply here. Been thinking a lot about what to write these days. I wouldn't call it writer's block so much as nothing seems pertinent right now. What I know is this... spring can't get here soon enough.

The slight break in the clouds letting in a sliver of sunlight is a tease worse than the hottest "dancer" performing on stage near you but running to the other side of the room to her regular... it's a nice sight, but damn if you couldn't use more of a good thing. The reality of winter is that the long, cold days play havoc with the mind of a man who'd prefer to be outside, if even just enjoying a good cigar and better whiskey on the porch. My vitamin D deficiency is draining me... I'm ready for a Beatles song... how about "Here Comes the Sun"?

Time to get motivated... I can feel myself getting fat.

Peace, love and Vitamin D... here's to hitting the fake and bake tomorrow,
The hopefully not orange me

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